Teacher Communication
It is important for us to communicate with each other in order for student success. We will send handouts or reminders on Class Dojo about important information to keep you in the loop. This is a great way for us to send out information about homework assignments, projects, tests, Holland ISD information, field trips, ect... Please register today.
New to Class Dojo
The best way to communicate with us is through Class Dojo because messages can be personally sent out. The Class Story is a way to communicate with the whole class. If you are wanting to set up a conference with an individual teacher or talk with a certain teacher you can message each of us privately also.
In Person Conference Times
Monday -Friday 10:00-11:00 *Must have meeting scheduled
POLICY: Please refer to the Holland ISD attendance policy for more details.
It is important for your child to come to school daily to fully participate and understand the content being taught. If your child misses a day, he or she will have time either in school (during their recess time or if they have free time) or at home to complete the missing assignments. Assignments need to be completed once they return to school and will have due dates.
KID Account- Office Communication
This attendance system is run through the front office and monitors attendance and changes in dismissal. All parents that pick up kids can bring the card that will be scanned to KID Account. Please communicate with the office the following:
Students’ absences planned or unexpected
Changes in pickup or dismissal plans
Students are expected to bring or wear athletic shoes to participate in gym activities.
If your child needs to bring a change of shoes or clothes they can leave it in backpack and change before Band/PE.
Movie Policy
There are times throughout the school year when we might show movies. Examples of times this could occur are movies made from novels students read, movies that support curricular learning, and/or movies earned as a reward. If we are showing a movie in class, we will let you know what movie we are showing, the rating of the movie, and when we are showing it. If you do NOT want your student to watch the movie, let me know. I will make other arrangements for your student.
Technology Expectations
Students are expected to use technology in all classes throughout the year. Students are expected to follow ALL rules, if they choose not to follow the technology rules it could result in loss of tokens or loss of privileges in using devices. We will be teaching digital citizenship which includes: censoring private information, understanding social media, responsibility & safety online. Simply respecting and protecting yourself, others and ideas online.
Technology should be respected by taking care of Holland ISD property by NOT eating or drinking around equipment, keeping equipment on table, not intentionally breaking equipment.
ONLY use websites or apps approved by teachers
Always ask before recording a video or taking a picture.
Each grade will be able to purchase ice cream on their assigned day(s). It will cost $1.
Monday: 1st grade and 5th GradeWednesday: 3rd grade and 5th Grade
Tuesday: 2nd grade and 5th Grade Thursday: 4th grade and 5th Grade
Ice cream will NOT be
Sold on Fridays.
Pep Rally
We will have pep rallies from 3:05 - 3:30 on Fridays in the Holland Gym. This is for home and away football games. There could be exceptions to a couple of pep rallies that will need to occur earlier due to how far away the games are. We will put pep-rallies times in the weekly newsletter. If students have not earned the privilege of going to the pep-rally, teachers will make other arrangements.
5th Grade Awards
- UIL Awards
- A & A/B Honor
- Band Awards
- Marathon
- AR Point Club Awards
Students will have the opportunity to try out for the following events. We will let the children know when tryouts will take place. U.I.L. usually takes place the first week of December. They will know if they have made a team before Thanksgiving break. Alternates are considered part of the team, but will only test if needed.
5th Grade Events:
Art, Chess, Dictionary Skills, Listening Skills, Music Memory, Number Sense, Oral Reading, Ready Writing, Social Studies, Spelling,Maps, Graphs, & Charts
Parent Teacher Organization
This organization raises money for various things throughout Holland ISD and is always looking for people to volunteer or support PTO events. If you are interested in joining please check out the Holland PTO Facebook Page.
Holland Jr. FFA
This is an extracurricular activity students are able to participate in. FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success.
Contact Ashlee Tanguay at Holland High School
Birthday Parties
Please notify your homeroom teacher ahead of time and get approval for allergy purposes. All food and drinks need to be individually wrapped. Drop off in the morning to the office, and parties will be in the afternoon.
Class Parties
We have 3 main parties in 5th grade: Christmas, Valentines and End of the Year. We will celebrate other holidays with activities but will not have outside food.
Teachers will set up a Sign Up Genius and send it through Dojo to let parents volunteer to bring the items to make 5th grade parties fun. Our 5th grade parties are done together so friends can enjoy their time together. We don’t have parents typically attend parties because 5th graders need their social time to build good relationships with peers.