1st Grade Syllabus 2024-2025
Mrs. Frei, Mrs. Lum, and Mrs. Evans are the first grade teachers this year. Below is some information to help you get acquainted with our daily routine and academic expectations.
Contact Information: We will use Class Dojo as our means of communication. A form will be sent home at Meet the Teacher with instructions on how to join.
Schedule:8:00-11:30 Class
11:30-12 Lunch (Ice Cream will be available to purchase on Mondays)
12-12:30- WIN time (Enrichment/Intervention)
12:30-1:30 Elective/PE
!:30- 2:10 WIN time
2:10-3:40 Class
Behavior/assignment sheets are sent home daily so that parents will be able to see homework to be completed and if the student had a good day or needs attention for misbehavior. If class rules are not followed and warnings are given, a child will have a note sent home on their behavior sheet. They will also lose 5 minutes of recess that day.
Academic Expectations
Reading: Reading instruction continues based on the foundation laid in Kindergarten. Students should know most, if not all, letters and sounds at the beginning of the year. Guided reading is done in small groups in the classroom with the additional support of a teacher’s aide, so personal care is given to each student. Guided reading books are sent home for reading practice homework Monday thru Thursday. A report card letter of E, S, N or U will be given based on current reading level using the leveled guided books. A rubric will also be sent home with each report card to let you know what reading level your child is on.
Math: An assessment will be given on each chapter or topic. Math fact tests will also be given intermittently as well as classwork assignments. The report card grade comes from the average of unit tests, fact tests and classwork assignments.
Spelling/Writing: Students are tested on 10 pattern words each week. An oral reading test is given on the sight words as well. These tests determine the spelling report card grade. Journal writing is done to reinforce the use of sight words and spelling patterns we have practiced. Through our writing workshop, we also do shared writing, make class books, and write individual and class stories on a variety of themes. We also focus on learning the basic parts of speech and grammar.
Accelerated Reading: AR is a computer program in which students read leveled library books and take comprehension tests to earn points and rewards. Students will start on AR at the beginning/middle of the spring semester.
Homework: A book on your child’s reading level will be sent home daily to read with you. Please return the book each day, as we use it the next day in class. We also encourage you to study sight words with your child at home as well. A list will be sent home weekly.
Birthday Party Guidelines: Parents are welcome to bring birthday treats for their child’s birthday. Please contact your child’s teacher a couple days prior. Items can be left at the office.
Field Trips: Field trips will be for the entire class, unless a field trip is lost due to severe behavior issues. There will be 2 field trips per semester. A permission slip will be sent home prior to the field trip and will also be communicated via Class Dojo.
Movie Policy: There are times throughout the school year when we might show movies. Examples of times this could occur are movies made from novels students read, movies that support curricular learning, and/or movies earned as a reward. If we are showing a movie in class, we will let you know what movie we are showing, the rating of the movie, and when we are showing it. If you do NOT want your student to watch the movie, let me know. I will make other arrangements for your student.
Retention Policy:In addition to the factors in law that must be considered for promotion, mastery shall be determined as follows:
Individual progress as measured by the state standards and assessment test results (e.g., TPRI, BAS, TEMI, iReady).
Performance in meeting grade level expectations in reading and math.
Attendance [see FEC].
Maturity (academic, social, emotional, and physical).
Teacher, principal, RtI committee, and parent/legal guardian observations and recommendations.
A student shall be retained if the student does not meet grade-level expectations in both reading and math.
The principal is authorized to review the criteria in this policy in determining whether a student shall be retained. A parent may appeal the decision of the principal in accordance with FNG(LOCAL).
We work hard every day to ensure our students are learning. When students are struggling and need interventions, we communicate that with you. If students continue to struggle and don’t show appropriate mastery with interventions, we will communicate this with you. Retention is only considered when we feel like it is the best option for your student.
Arrival/Dismissal: All students report to the cafeteria in the morning. Aides will begin dismissing students at 7:45 am. Teachers will be in their classrooms ready to greet your kiddos.
We use KidAccount for dismissal. Please make sure to contact the OFFICE by 2:00pm if your child will have a change in dismissal. You will be given a card that will be scanned in the car line. Please keep up with this card.
Reward Center: Reward Center will be provided by PTO every other week. Students will have the chance to earn a “ticket” to pay for their reward based on good behavior. Money may also be sent to purchase other items. IF A STUDENT HAS NOT EARNED A TICKET, THEY ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CASH SALES.