What is ESSER III?
Overview: These one-time funds are intended to support a comprehensive learning recovery effort in Texas over the next three years. Due to federal requirements, two-thirds of the funds are available immediately under grants administered by the Texas Education Agency (TEA), with the final one-third to be distributed contingent upon approval by the U.S. Department of Education.
HISD Board Overview
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The last few years have certainly been different. When we received the ESSER funds it was intended to support the districts as we worked through the pandemic (cleaning equipment and supplies, cleaning ventilation systems, training for staff, and technology upgrades). We also used the money for additional intervention staff to support the student's social/emotional and academic needs. We were also able to use some funds to add security cameras and all campus classroom buildings have electronic door locks and sensors. The Health and Safety protocols changed in the fall to support the theory that all illnesses are not COVID-19.
Currently, the state is planning to offer additional funding for school safety. We have a few new items that we will be looking to add to our campus. We will continue to seek all avenues for additional funds.
Survey Results February 9, 2022
Survey Results September 4, 2023
Return to School Framework
Notice of Public Meeting 8/10/22
Notice of Public Meeting 2/8/23
Notice of Public Meeting 9/13/23
Board Meetings and Agendas